Academy Governing Body

The Governing Body consists of people from the academy’s community, such as parents, staff, local businesses and the Police. Governors are volunteers and most serve for four years.

All academies within the Trust are governed by the L.E.A.D. Academy Trust Board and Members. The L.E.A.D. Academy Trust governance structure establishes clear lines of accountability, overview and scrutiny at three levels: The L.E.A.D. Academy Trust Members; the L.E.A.D. Academy Trust Board and its Committees; and the Academy Governing Body (AGB).

The AGB meets formally three times each year (termly) and also meets informally each term through engagement meetings. The Trusts scheme of delegation, AGB terms of reference and articles of association can be accessed by the clicking the links below. These key documents set out the function and role of the AGB.

L.E.A.D. Academy Trust – Governance

Please find below details about this academy’s AGB membership, including the names and terms of appointment for each member.

Mrs Natalie Train (Nat)

Nat is a Parent Governor. Nat is the Chair and Safeguarding Link Governor at Manor Farm Academy. Recently retired from a career in the Royal Air Force, Nat served as a Personnel Support Officer for almost 20 years and enjoyed a very diverse career path.  She enjoyed many years serving overseas and worked primarily within employment policy, personnel management, and infrastructure management.  
She is a parent at Manor Farm Academy and also a volunteer with the Manor Farm Academy PTFA.

Dr Katie Ruane

Dr Katie Ruane is a Community Governor. She is a parent and practitioner psychologist, who works as a Senior Educational Psychologist in a local authority and has worked with education settings, children and their families for over 17 years. Katie has previous experiences as an Associate School Governor and University Tutor, and is currently a Trustee of a local children’s charity. 

Mr Joseph Wilson

Joe is a Community Governor and Vice-Chair of Governors for the academy. He is a Deputy Headteacher within Nottinghamshire with a wealth of experience in Education over the last 13 years. 

Mr Lee Sirdifield

Lee is a Parent Governor at Manor Farm Academy, and link governor for computing, PE, music, and Health and Safety. Lee works as an assistant director for corporate services within the public sector, leading on complex ,multi-agency programmes. He brings over 20 years experience in developing and implementing organisational strategy, plans, programmes and initiatives. Lee has operated both regionally and nationally to develop policy, challenge approach and leverage relationships to drive value and success.

Mrs Stephanie West

Stephanie is a Community Governor. Her career is in higher education, having worked as a lecturer, work integrated learning director, and academic principal in universities around the UK. She is currently a university Head of School for Health and Care Management, leading on quality, learning, and teaching for undergraduate, postgraduate, and higher education apprenticeship programmes. Stephanie has two children who attend Manor Farm Academy and she is link governor for Science, French, and Music.

Mr Phillip Beckett

Phillip is a Community Governor.

Mrs Gillian Boast
Teacher Governor

Mrs Claire Speed
Support Staff Governor

NameGovernor categoryHow appointedDate of appointmentTerm of officeAGB Attendance: Academic Year 2022-2023
Andrea CollinsHeadteachern/an/an/a3/3
Gillian BoastStaff Governor (Teaching)Elected by staff 21 November 2020,
Re-elected 7 February 2024
4 years2/3
Natalie TrainParent GovernorElected by parents23 February 20224 years3/3
Katie RuaneCommunity GovernorAppointed by Trust12 December 20224 years3/3
Joseph WilsonCommunity GovernorAppointed by Trust12 December 20224 years3/3
Lee SirdifieldParent GovernorElected by parents (elected unopposed)20 January 20234 years2/3
Claire SpeedStaff Governor (Support)Elected by staff25 October 20224 years3/3
Stephanie WestCommunity GovernorAppointed by Trust4 March 20244 yearsN/A
Phill BeckettCo-opted GovernorAppointed by Trust4 March 20241 yearN/A

Governor Declarations of Interest

Community Governor Vacancy

Safeguarding Link Governor: Natalie Train

Contact / Any questions?

If you:

•       have any questions;

•       want to raise any issues with the Governors;

•       are unable to find the information you want; or,

•       you wish to apply to join the Governing Body,

Please contact the Chair of Manor Farm Governors, Natalie Train, at:

Tiber Road, North Hykeham, Lincoln, LN6 9ST; Telephone: 01522 681892; or Email: [email protected]