
Our curriculum extends beyond the National Curriculum and includes a wide range of enriching experiences and opportunities both within and beyond the school day.

This includes a programme of after-school clubs, that support the core curriculum offer, whilst also extending the range of children’s experiences and Cultural Capital.

In order to support our exciting and stimulating curriculum, we provide further enrichment opportunities to enhance children’s learning. These include: Visitors and Workshops in School, Educational Visits and Residentials (Year 2 and Year 6), Whole School Theme Days/Weeks and Responsibilities such as- Eco-Council, School Council, Digital Leaders, the School News Team and Reading Ambassadors,

Music Specialists

Each week a significant number of children work one to one with our specialist music teachers to learn a musical instrument. Currently at our academy, we have pupils learning keyboard, guitar, violin, singing, drum and flute. Additionally to this, during the Summer term, our Year 5 pupils take part in whole class brass tuition led by a music specialist in which they learn either the trumpet or trombone.

Neighbourhood Police Team

We work in partnership with our Neighborhood Police Team. Through this partnership, children benefit from regular curriculum input from Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs). This provides a positive contribution to the education of our children, as well as developing positive attitudes regarding their role in the community.

Links to the local religious community

We work closely with many members of our local religious community. Assemblies are regularly led by representatives from our local church, Pupils also benefit from members of other religious communities who work alongside our staff team to promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils. We firmly believe that this rounded approach to links with our religious community provides pupils with a balanced view of the community in which they live.

Pupils have the opportunity to choose from a range of extra-curricular activities.

At Manor Farm Academy, we provide a broad range of enrichment opportunities – focused around Sports, STEM, the Arts and Culture – as we firmly believe that these opportunities have a number of benefits for our pupils, both academically and personally by broadening their life experiences.

Primary enrichment gives students the chance to participate in activities that supplement learning and enable them to broaden their skills and experiences, identify talent and enhance it.

Each club is designed to support our pupils to master new skills, discover new hobbies and develop their current passions.

Every half term, our after-school provision timetable changes, this supports us to provide our pupils with a range of after school activities.

We encourage our pupils to commit to a half term for each club, as research suggests pupils are most likely to be successful in mastering a new skill if they commit to the skill over a sustained period of time.