Curriculum Offer

Our Curriculum Rationale

Here at Manor Farm Academy we offer an exciting and varied curriculum which strives to ensure all pupils reach their potential and become active, valuable and positive members of society. Underpinning this stimulating curriculum are two core components. The first is that we believe children should be equipped with high quality knowledge, skills and understanding across a range of subject areas. The second dimension of our curriculum prepares pupils so that they can make a valuable contribution as citizens in a 21st century Britain. Both aspects are of equal importance at Manor Farm Academy.

The academy offers a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum covering all areas of the National Curriculum and our aim is to promote learning that meets the needs, interests and abilities of all children.

Throughout all aspects of academy life, we celebrate achievements made by pupils at all levels- both inside and outside the academy. Pupils are proud of one another as well as of themselves.

‘The aim of education should be to teach us how to think, rather than what to think.’

James Beattie

The Approach

At Manor Farm Academy, we ensure the curriculum is relevant and meaningful to the pupils, and that it is implemented by a high quality workforce. There are many opportunities for pupils to experience learning first-hand through educational visits, visitors to the academy, and academy experience days. These opportunities help ensure pupils are immersed in the areas they are learning about.

‘Nothing ever becomes real until it is experienced.’

John Keats

Curriculum Overview 2024/2025

Our Curriculum Overview

Should you have any questions regarding our Curriculum, please contact our Curriculum Lead- Miss Shannon Hudson by emailing [email protected]


At Manor Farm Academy, we are committed to providing the highest standards of achievement in mathematics. All children are entitled to access all programmes of study in the National Curriculum. We implement a progressive structure regarding the learning of mathematics. Children are taught a range of strategies for calculating answers to problems mentally, as well as the more usual written methods. At Manor Farm Academy we use the White Rose Hub Scheme of Work.

Through the mathematics curriculum, we equip pupils with a set of tools to understand and access the world in which they live. These tools include logical reasoning, problem solving and the ability to think in abstract ways. Mathematics is a core subject which is vital in everyday life. It is essential in everything we construct, everything we calculate and many problems that we have to solve. We therefore endeavour to ensure that pupils develop a healthy and enthusiastic attitude towards mathematics that will stay with them throughout their future.

Read our Maths Policy 2024/2025


Establishing high standards of pupil achievement in English is a priority at Manor Farm Academy. The National Curriculum provides the main direction for the English provision offered by the academy.

At Manor Farm Academy, we believe that all pupils should develop pleasure in reading and writing alongside developing a love for language. Our English curriculum aims to provide pupils with high-quality learning experiences that will teach them to speak, read and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others effectively.

We will deliver a curriculum that:

  • Celebrates a broad range of high quality literature.
  • Makes links with pupils interests, the curriculum and the diverse world in which they live.
  • Promotes the opportunity for our pupils to learn actively.
  • Promotes the use of high quality reading and writing across the curriculum.
  • Builds systematically on the children’s knowledge of reading, writing and oracy in order to secure proficiency in English for our pupils.

Read our English (Reading and Writing) Policy 24-25


Teaching high quality phonics lessons is a priority at Manor Farm Academy. We ensure that daily, systematic, discrete phonics teaching is delivered consistently across our academy. At Manor Farm Academy, we teach phonics through the systematic, synthetic phonics programme, ‘Read Write Inc’. We ensure that children make a strong start in Reception and the children are taught a daily phonics lesson right from the start of their time in school which follows the progression for Read Write Inc. Children will be taught the ‘set 1’ sounds initially. These are accompanied by a handwriting rhyme which help them form the letters to write them accurately.

For more information regarding Read Write Inc. and how parents/carers can help to support phonics learning at home, please click on the link here.

What is Read Write Inc?

Read Write Inc. (RWI) is a phonics complete literacy programme which helps all children learn to read fluently and at speed so they can focus on developing their skills in comprehension, vocabulary and spelling.  We begin the programme in Reception and continue teaching RWI to children until they can read fluently.

Fred Talk

At school we use a puppet called Fred who only speaks in sounds. We call this Fred Talk. For example, Fred would say d-o-g, we would say dog. Your child is taught to hear sounds and blend them together to say words.

As your child learns each sound (phoneme), they are also taught to blend the sounds together to say and read CVC words such as mat, sit, pin.

Fred Fingers

Fred Fingers are used for spelling. Your child is taught to sound out the word they are spelling and put up the correct number of fingers for the sounds they can hear in the word. For example: m-e-t = 3 sounds = 3 fingers. 

Green Words

When your child can orally blend sounds to say words, your child will start to read ‘green’ words.  ‘Green’ words are words which can be sounded out and blended.

Red Words

When children start to read short ditties, your child will be taught to read ‘red’ words. These words are words with ‘tricky letters’ which can’t be sounded out phonetically.  Your child will be taught the red words in a specific order, which will correlate with the books they are reading in lessons.

Decodable Reading Books

Whilst your child is learning their initial sounds in Reception, they will bring home a wordless picture book in their book bag, which will be changed each week. This will give them the opportunity to develop a range of important reading skills. Once your child can blend the sounds they know to read words, they will bring home a Read Write Inc. book bag book which will contain words and sounds that children have been taught. Children should practise reading these books regularly throughout the week so that they can read them confidently, fluently and independently.

Early writing

In reception we teach writing through Read Write Inc. We teach handwriting, spelling and composition separately, gradually bringing each skill together step-by-step.

We teach children to form letters with the correct pencil grip and in the correct sitting position from the very beginning. They practice handwriting every day so they learn to write quickly and easily. Once children can write simple words, we teach them to ‘hold’ a sentence in their heads and then write it with correct spelling and punctuation.

Very soon children are able to write down their own ideas. We try out different sentences together, drawing on new vocabulary and phrases from the storybook they’ve just read. They practice saying their sentences out loud first so they don’t forget their ideas while they’re writing. They also learn to proofread their own writing using ready-made sentences containing common grammar, punctuation and spelling errors.

Story and Poetry Time 

Storytime is the highlight of every day. We have a bank of stories that children get to know really well, and others we read just for fun. Children learn to retell the story, learn the refrains by heart and act out the stories in the role-play area. As part of our daily routine, we also enjoy reciting poems and rhymes and singing a range of familiar songs.

Read our English (Reading and Writing) Policy 24-25


In order to ensure that the pupils of Manor Farm Academy leave as confident fluent readers, we have implemented a robust reading pathway that each pupil will follow. Within each step of the pathway, diagnostic tools are used to identify gaps in pupils’ understanding and teaching is adapted in order to meet the needs of these pupils.

Fluency Teaching

Once pupils have completed the Read Write Inc programme, they will access an 8 week fluency programme (Herts for Learning). This has been designed to bridge the gap between phonics and reading for pleasure and focuses on a number of different teaching strategies in order to ensure success within this.

Pupils are assessed at the start and each of each teaching block, with the hope that outcomes show enough progress to transition onto whole-class reading.

Once pupils have completed their block of fluency teaching, they will access Whole-class Reading lessons. Each term, teachers will plan a sequence of lessons based on core texts, which are outlined in the reading framework. Texts and stimulus chosen have been selected to ensure pupils are being exposed to a wide range of genre and styles in order to develop their overall fluency and comprehension, ensuring that they leave our academy as ‘well-rounded’, confident readers.

Read by Myself Books

Children accessing Read Write Inc. Phonics lessons take home a book that is matched to their phonics ability. Parents are asked to support their child to read this book independently using the blending and decoding skills that they have been practising at school.

Reading for Pleasure Books

Our aim at Manor Farm Academy is for every child to enjoy books; we therefore give children a Reading for Pleasure book to instill in them a passion for reading. Children will take home a Reading for Pleasure book from our classroom libraries which they will have chosen for themselves. We would not yet expect children who are accessing the Read Write Inc. Phonics lessons to read these books by themselves. For these pupils, these books are for adults at home to read to children, perhaps before bedtime or when relaxing. However once pupils have completed their Read Write Inc. Phonics journey, we would strongly encourage the children to read their Reading for Pleasure book independently.

All books will be changed regularly and monitored by staff. Parents and carers are asked to comment in the children’s Reading Record when they hear their child read. Although we understand how busy life can be, we do ask that all children aim to read aloud to an adult for at least five minutes per day. Research has continually shown us the positive impact that reading can have on all areas of your child’s learning.

Read our English (Reading and Writing) Policy 24-25


While pupils are accessing the RWI phonics programme, they will be taught writing during Phonics lessons. Additionally are given independent opportunities to apply the skills they have learned. From Y2, pupils access English lessons where they continue to be taught skills from the National Curriculum. Independent writing is assessed, using our academy assessment grids, each half term as a minimum.

The writing framework has been designed to ensure pupils have the opportunity to write for a range of audiences and purposes as well as using a range of stimulus to drive and inspire writing. Writing lessons provide opportunities for pupils to write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences.

Active Spelling

Spelling is taught through the ‘Active Spelling’ approach.  Active Spelling uses the principles of mnemonics, images and verbal reasoning to aid both the retention of spellings and to develop a breadth of vocabulary. The sessions are led by each class teacher four times a week, for 15 minutes. In each lesson children recall previously learnt spellings to aid retention of spelling patterns and rules. Children are then taught different strategies to help them to learn new spellings that they become increasingly able to apply independently.

To fully understand the spelling patterns, Active Spelling uses orthography (the way a word looks), phonology (the way a word sounds), morphology (the meaning of the word), etymology (the origin of the word, which country and language it originates from), and graphology (how it feels to write). They then check and apply.

Active English

Grammar and punctuation is predominantly taught through the ‘Active English’ approach from Year 2 onwards.  Active English is an approach to teaching grammar which uses images as visual clues for children to remember various grammatical terminology and use. It is a daily programme of 15 minutes which runs at the beginning of the English lesson.

There are clear sections of Recall and Learn, Read and Respond and Create and Reflect. As they move into Year 5/Year 6 the Active English program develops so that the grammar and punctuation are applied to their writing focus. This supports the children’s ability to apply their skills considering the audience, purpose, and intended effect.

Read our English (Reading and Writing) Policy 24-25


Our science curriculum provides opportunities for children to develop knowledge and understanding of important scientific ideas, processes and skills and relate these to their everyday lives. Our children are given opportunities to learn about ways of thinking and of communicating ideas. They investigate scientific concepts and processes in a fun and exploratory way which promotes scientific thinking and a love of learning.

Read our Science Policy 2024 -25

Computing and E-safety

Computing prepares pupils to participate in a rapidly changing world in which work and other activities are being increasingly transformed by access to varied and developing technology.

At Manor Farm Academy, Years 1-6 use the ‘Teach Computing’ framework when delivering computing lessons. We support pupils in the acquisition of knowledge, through the use of key concepts, terms, and vocabulary, providing opportunities to build a shared and consistent understanding.

We teach computing through the use of physical computing and make activities that offer tactile and sensory experiences to enhance learning. Combining electronics and programming with arts and crafts (especially through exploratory projects) provides pupils with a creative, engaging context to explore and apply computing concepts. Computing is used throughout the curriculum and children use it to find, explore, analyse, exchange and present information.

In addition to our weekly computing lessons, we also deliver weekly e-safety sessions using ProjectEvolve. E-safety is an integral part of Computing at Manor Farm Academy. Children discuss the importance of e-safety each time they access digital media. The SMART computing rules, of staying safe online are embedded throughout the school in all subjects.

Read our Computing Policy 24-25

Religious Education

Religious Education (RE) is taught in accordance with the Lincolnshire Agreed RE Syllabus 2000. Through RE, the children will be able to:

  • Learn about Christianity and about other principal religions represented in the United Kingdom
  • Reflect on a range of human questions and experiences
  • Ask, analyse and respond to deep questions about human life
  • Explore the meaning of ‘authority’, ‘celebration’ and ‘sacred’
  • Be aware of the ways in which religion influences the lives of individuals and communities
  • Prepare for life as citizens

In accordance with the 1998 Education Reform Act, parents have the right to withdraw their child from RE lessons and daily assemblies. Any request should be made in writing to the Head Teacher.

Read our Religious Education 2024-25

Physical Education

At Manor Farm Academy, we believe that the promotion of health education is of paramount importance it is an area of learning that is prevalent within the wider curricular provision.

We pride ourselves on the quality of provision we are able to offer in relation to the area of health education. Amongst a range of areas, children learn about the effects of exercise, the importance of a balanced diet and how to prepare healthy meals, positive mental health and how to stay safe in a range of situations. Children are actively involved in supporting each other, and contributing towards the healthy atmosphere within the academy.

Children will experience a broad range of activities in their PE lessons. This will include dance and gymnastic activities, athletics, swimming and team games. Children have opportunities to improve upon their individual performances, and to compete in teams and as individuals. They are encouraged to overcome challenges and to participate in competitive physical activities. The academy aims to promote the enjoyment of PE for all children whatever their level of ability, and makes use of sports specialists to provide coaching for pupils.

Read our PE Policy 24-25

Personal, Social & Health Education

Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship helps to give our pupils the knowledge skills and understanding they need to become healthy independent members of society and prepares them for opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. We encourage our pupils to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the school and the wider community in so doing we develop their sense of self worth. We teach them how society is organised and governed. We ensure that they experience democracy, and that they develop an understanding of traditional British values, including the rule of law. We teach them about rights and responsibilities. They learn to appreciate what it means to be a positive member of a diverse multicultural society.

The knowledge, skills and understanding will be taught in 4 interrelated sections:

  1. Developing confidence and understanding and making the most of pupils abilities
  2. Preparing to play an active role as citizens in 21st Century Britain
  3. Developing a healthy safer lifestyle
  4. Developing good relationships and respecting the differences between people

Drugs Education

Within our PSHE curriculum, our drug education programme aims to:

  • Acknowledge and clarify the academy’s role in drug prevention and drug education and ensure it is appropriate to the needs of the pupils educated at the academy
  • Develop understanding and concern for the health and wellbeing of the whole school community
  • Provide a programme which will give pupils opportunities to acquire the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to make informed and responsible decisions about the use of drugs and other substances within the context of a healthy lifestyle
  • Enable pupils to explore their own and other people’s attitudes increasing understanding about the implications and possible consequences of use and misuse
  • Provide accurate information about substances
  • Encourage an understanding for those experiencing or likely to experience substance misuse
  • To widen understanding about related health and social issues e.g sex and sexuality, crime, HIV & AIDS
  • To enable young people to identify sources of appropriate personal support

Sex and Relationships Education

At Manor Farm Academy, we believe that effective sex and relationship guidance is essential if children are to make responsible and well informed decisions about their lives. The key objective of sex and relationships education is to help and support our children through their emotional, moral and physical development.

Sex and Relationship education is a lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. It is about the understanding of the importance of family life, including marriage, stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care. It has three main elements:

Attitudes and Values

  • Learning the importance of values and moral considerations
  • Learning the value of family life, and stable and loving relationships
  • Learning the value of love, respect and care
  • Exploring, considering and understanding moral dilemmas
  • Developing critical thinking as part of decision making

Personal and Social skills

  • Learning to manage emotions and relationships confidently and sensitively
  • Developing respect for others
  • Learning to make informed choices
  • Developing an appreciation of the consequences of choices made
  • Managing conflict

Knowledge and Understanding

  • Learning and understanding physical development at appropriate stages
  • Understanding emotions and relationships

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education

Our provision for Spiritual development uses an approach to teaching that embodies clear values and enables pupils to gain understanding through reflection on their own and others’ lives and beliefs. It relies on teachers valuing pupils’ contributions and thoughts across the whole curriculum. Religious Education and Collective Worship also make a significant contribution to this aspect.

The moral development of our pupils is built upon a framework of values regulating personal behaviour through principles rather than through fear of punishment. At Manor Farm Academy, we therefore foster values such as honesty, fairness, and respect for truth and justice. Pupils are equally given the opportunity to express themselves, explore realistic scenarios and extend or challenge their understanding of moral development.

Our provision for social development centres around the acceptance of group rules and the ability to operate in a wider social context. Therefore, we believe that the formation of attitudes to enable good social behaviour and self-discipline is of crucial importance. Throughout the wider curriculum, opportunities are continually provided for pupils to work co-operatively and in competition, taking the initiative, and accepting responsibility for their contribution to academy life.

Cultural development is promoted via the participation in and appreciation of cultural traditions. The school seeks to enrich pupils’ knowledge and experience through visits to museums or religious buildings, art galleries and work with artists or performers. Additionally, links are made with schools in culturally diverse locations to further broaden pupil understanding of the concept.

Philosophical discussions within the academy form a significant vehicle for the promotion of all of the aspects outlined above.

Read our PSHE policy 2024/25


The history curriculum at Manor Farm Academy is split into four key areas: People and Places, Significant Events, Skills within History and Chronology.

  • ‘People and Places’ includes the study of local history as well as a range of early civilisations, non-European societies and British history.
  • ‘Significant Events’ includes an understanding of events central to British history, awareness of significant historical events within the wider world and an understanding of how these events have shaped modern life.
  • ‘Skills Within History’ includes using sources to find and interpret historical information, making connections between people, places and events studied and using key historical terminology when discussing the past.
  • ‘Chronology’ refers to children developing a secure and coherent understanding of the chronological narrative from the earliest times to the present day. Children develop an understanding of where any time period studied fits within the wider chronological picture of the history of the United Kingdom.

Read our History policy 2024/24


The Geography curriculum at Manor Farm Academy is split into four key areas: Locational Knowledge, Place Knowledge, Human and Physical Geography, and Geographical Skills and Understanding.

  • The study of ‘Location’ improves children’s understanding of key geographical facts including locating continents, countries, cities and landmarks worldwide
  • The study of ‘Place’ seeks to develop an understanding of the contrasting localities found on Earth, both human and physical and the interconnected nature of these places
  • The study of ‘Human and Physical Geography’ develops children’s understanding of both the physical and human processes apparent on Earth and the vocabulary associated with these phenomena
  • The study of ‘Geographical Skills and Fieldwork’ develops children’s understanding of the world through practical experiences whilst allowing them to develop the key skills needed to develop their knowledge and understanding further

Read our Geography policy 2024/25


Art stimulates children’s creativity and imagination by providing visual, tactile and sensory experiences and a unique way of understanding and responding to the world. They develop an understanding of colour, form, texture, pattern, and apply their understanding to materials and processes to communicate ideas, feelings and meanings. Lessons explore with children, developing ideas and understanding of the work of artists, craftspeople and designers.

It equally helps them to learn about different art, craft and design throughout different times and cultures. Children learn how to make thoughtful judgements, aesthetic and practical decisions, and to become actively involved in shaping their thoughts in relation to art.

Read our Art policy 24-25

Design and Technology

Design & Technology is a practical subject that asks children to be creative problem solvers, working as individuals and as part of a team. They must look for needs, wants and opportunities, and respond to them by developing a range of ideas to solve the identified problem. An emphasis is placed on the learning of practical skills combined with an understanding of function and aesthetics. Children will learn to reflect on and evaluate their own and others’ products for suitability of purpose.

Read our Design and Technology policy 2024/25


In our music curriculum we aim to develop each of the skills of performing, composing and appraising in all lessons. Opportunities are given for children to extend and apply these skills throughout their time in the academy.

Read our Music Policy 2024-2025

Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)

French is taught regularly to ensure progression and skills development. Although MFL is a cross-curricular subject, children are taught specific skills and vocabulary in dedicated French lessons.

Read our MFL Policy 2024-2025

Developing Citizens for a 21st Century Britain

We believe that a core purpose of any educational establishment should be to enable pupils to become valued members of their community and effective citizens, able to make a valuable contribution to the world in which they live. As a result of our beliefs, we have established a wider range of provision designed to fulfil this philosophy.

Life Sim: Practical Skills

Pupils participate in termly ‘Life Simulation Sessions’ as part of a structured approach to real-world learning. The sessions present pupils with real-life scenarios and challenges they may face throughout their early lives. For example, self-care, dealing with difficult relationships, and making their own bed!

Understanding British Values

At Manor Farm Academy, we actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and the mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. Our curriculum values promote tolerance of and respect for people of all faiths (or those of no faith), races, genders, ages, disability and sexual orientations. This is delivered through the effective spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils, PSHE, Philosophy sessions, and collective worship offered within the academy.

General Knowledge

We value the development of knowledge, and recognise the importance of knowledge in enabling pupils to access the world around them. General knowledge is developed through curriculum content and the environment in which the children are taught.


The development of thinking skills is critical in helping pupils to take ownership of their own destiny. Thinking skills are the mental processes that we apply when we seek to make sense of experiences we have had. This is a valuable skill, as better thinking helps us to learn more from our experience and makes better use of our intelligence.

It has always been the central aim of education to improve the quality of thinking because better thinking will not only enable us to become more successful at learning but will also equip us for life, enabling us to realise our own potential and to contribute to the development of society. At Manor Farm Academy, philosophy is used to challenge pupil thinking in relation to the following core areas:

  • Theory of knowledge
  • Moral / ethical issues
  • Values / identity
  • Behaviour: identity, society, psychology
  • Beliefs
  • Current affairs
  • Imagination / reality

Collective Worship

Collective worship must be part of a “broadly balanced curriculum which promotes the spiritual, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils and prepares such pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life”.

At Manor Farm Academy, themes for collective worship are planned each term, taking account of the ages, abilities and backgrounds of pupils. Themes for collective worship contribute to the spiritual, moral and social and cultural development of pupils, promote fundamental British values, and deal with personal development and relationships within a variety of social contexts. Where there is an issue of immediate relevance, the planned theme will be postponed and the current issue addressed. Assemblies on Mondays and Fridays celebrate collective and individual achievements.

Visits and visitors will be used for special services, celebration and festivals. Collective worship will at times be led by visiting clergy, Christian groups, as well as the headteacher, staff and pupils.

Safeguarding in the Curriculum

A culture of safeguarding is embedded at Da Vinci Academy. We pride ourselves in knowing our students and the needs of both the individuals within our community and the needs of the wider community itself.

Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) outlines that: “Governing bodies and proprietors should ensure that children are taught about safeguarding, including online safety. Schools should consider this as part of providing a broad and balanced curriculum. This may include covering relevant issues through Relationships Education and Relationships and Sex Education (formerly known as Sex and Relationship Education), tutorials (in colleges) and/or where delivered, through Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education.”

Safeguarding in the Curriculum- Reception and KS1

Safeguarding in the Curriculum – KS2