Class Pages

Class structures at Manor Farm Academy are designed to provide the best possible education for each and every learner within the academy.

Manor Farm Academy opened in 2016 with 30 Reception pupils. The Academy will increase in size year on year with a Reception intake of 30 pupils each year. We currently have a Reception class, a Year One class and a Year Two class.

Reception – Mrs Rocks

The Reception team is comprised of a teacher, Mrs Rocks, and teaching assistants, Mrs Brown and Mrs Speed. We will work together to make your child’s time in Reception the best that it can be!

Our Topic

An Overview of the Topic

This Term, our topic is ‘Our Ourselves!’

We shall be engaging in a wide range of learning experiences which will help us to further develop our understanding of ourselves and help us to settle in to full tme education. Activities will encourage us to become independent, motivated learners. A large part of our learning will be centred around the stability of routine and an ethos of careful exploration.

Please find below the key elements of our learning.

The Core Areas of Learning

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Encouraging children to become independent learners, selecting their own resources needed for a task.
Developing an understanding of right and wrong.
Encouraging perseverance towards an end goal.
Considering the consequences of their own actions.
Caring for each other and respecting each other’s property.
Developing a feeling of being part of a class team.
Understanding that we are part of a group.

Communication, Language and Literacy

Encouraging children to use spoken and written language in their play.
Learning songs related to the topic area.
Learning appropriate ways to speak to each other, negotiating plans and taking turns to speak and to listen.
Using language to create roles whilst engaging in role play or small world activities.
Learning to recognise and read high frequency words in reading books and in the environment.
Learning to write simple labels, captions and sentences with support.
Remembering the rules for writing, including capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
Learning that letters make sounds. (Phonemes).

Physical Development

Developing physical skills such as throwing and catching
Taking part in team games. (Football).
Developing the ability to negotiate spaces and avoid obstacles.
Learning to build and balance with a range of large scale equipment.
Learning to work safely with a wide range of small and large equipment and tools.
Fine motor control will be developed by engaging in tasks such as threading, sewing, drawing, writing, pegging and painting.

Mathematical Development

Developing  number recognition and understanding that a numeral represents a given set of objects.
Learn to sort objects using both given and their own criteria.
Use comparative language to talk about sets of objects. (More/ fewer etc.)
Develop the ability to talk about both 2d and 3d shapes.
Develop the skill of following and creating a simple repeating pattern.
Learn to count a set of objects accurately up to 20.

Understanding the World

Children will be learning to use their five senses.
Develop an understanding of growth and change in human beings.
Learn about  cultures and traditions.
Learn about different kinds of food, which are healthy and which are not so!
Learn to ask appropriate questions about a given subject matter, and develop the skill of finding out answers.
Look closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change around them, especially in connection with the seasons.
Show care and concern for each other, for creatures and for the school environment.
Develop the skills needed to operate simple ICT equipment. E.g. iPads, remote controlled objects or toys.
Use a mouse with developing skill.
Enjoy learning through using a computer and ipad.

Expressive Arts and Design

Begin to develop an understanding of pitch, volume and pace in music.
Develop a repertoire of songs.
Construct using a wide range of materials, with a specific purpose in mind.
Problem solve when constructing.
Use simple tools safely and effectively.
Experiment with different mark making tools and techniques.
Express ideas through imaginative play.
Explore the qualities of different materials.

Enterprise and Philosophy

Enterprise this term will comprise of pupils learning about money. Recognising different coins and thinking about where money comes from.
The Philosophy Curriculum will aim to teach pupils to use a range of age appropriate language in order to have a debate or discussion and give reasons for their ideas. Each discussion will be based around the needs of the group.

Visits and Visitors

We will be having visitors in to talk to us about health care.

We are also planning to visit a local church in the run up to the Christmas celebration.


Homework will be handed out every Monday. Please add any photos or comments following on from this onto Tapestry for us to see.

Outdoor clothing

As the weather cools down the children will all need appropriate coats and foot wear to enable them to work outdoors comfortably. Please ensure ALL clothing is named to make sure it finds its way back to the rightful owner.  We will continue to work outside for 50% of the day.


PE will be on a Monday and will be led by a professional coach. Please ensure that PE kits are in school all week in case of any extra activities. Our focus this term is football.

How Can you Help?

Please support the development of reading skills with your child by making time each day to enjoy sharing their home reading book, and looking at their sight words or spellings.
Try to complete the homework activities each week and share any learning at home with us through Tapestry, although there is no expectation that homework is completed.
Practise your child’s number recognition and skills regularly too.


Reading sessions with the class teachers will take place throughout the week with your child changing their book when required. We will usually swap books once we can see that it has been shared at home. We will aim to read with each child twice a week and to test their spellings/sight words each Monday.

We value the support of all parents and carers. If you feel that you can help in any way with the work we are covering then please let us know or If you would like any further information regarding this term’s curriculum please do not hesitate to contact school. Thank you, Mrs Rocks

Year 1 – Miss Mallott

In Year One, our Class Teacher is Miss Mallott and our Class Teaching Assistants are Mrs Evans and Miss Thomas. We work together to ensure the children continue their love for learning across the curriculum within Manor Farm Academy for them to achieve their full potential. This page provides the opportunity for us to share our wonderful learning so we hope you enjoy reading about our time in Year One.

Core subjects

Literacy and Phonics

The children will engage in a Literacy and Phonics session every day. There will be time to revisit the skills learned in Termlets 1 to 4 and then build on these to further develop reading and writing abilities. We also value practical drama type learning along with role play and the use of games to motivate and encourage learners in Year One. The children may be taught by any of the skilled and highly experienced members of the team here at Manor Farm. We also pride ourselves on the individual nature of our bespoke afternoon learning programmes where children are nurtured in small groups or individually in order to further their skills in Phonics. Reading, Writing, Spelling and Grammar will all continue to be interwoven into our daily routines, moving towards the use of Active English when the children are ready for this.


All children will engage in a Mathematics session daily, which again is designed to be a flexible model. Topics within this area of the curriculum will last for two weeks. As the children learn, grow and develop their skills at varying rates, they are provided with opportunities which best meets their next step needs. Much of the work in the Summer Termlets will be centred around the application of number and the practical aspects of capacity, space and direction. Counting accurately, ordering numbers and seeing pattern in number are all very important basic skills that we would like all of our children to be confident in. Besides this, we will also be learning about time and the language associated with this.

This term, we will be learning about the topic ‘Fire! Fire!’ 

History, Geography and Science

In history, the children will develop their understanding of the ‘Great Fire of London’ and order events chronologically on a timeline. They will also learn about Samuel Pepys and compare how life has changed since 1666.

In geography, the children will be using maps, atlases and globes to locate and name the seven continents of the world, the 4 countries in the UK and their capital cities.

In science, children will learn to identify, name and compare the properties of a range of everyday materials. The children will also learn to perform simple tests.

Additional foundation subjects

The Arts

Children will be focusing on developing their drawing and painting skills this term. When drawing, children will learn to use different pencils to create different shades. They will also learn to talk about the different shapes, lines and patterns within their own and other artists’ drawings. When painting, children will learn to use watercolours, powder paint and ready mix paints effectively. They will also learn to mix two primary colours to create secondary colours. In music, the children will learn to sing a variety of songs with more accuracy of pitch.

Religious Education and Computing

In Religious Education, children will develop their understanding of Christianity. They will explore the creation of the world, alongside morals taught through stories from the bible.

In Computing, children will develop ICT skills such as recording, saving and storing sounds. The children will also learn about e-safety and how to stay safe online.

Physical Education and Healthy Lifestyles

During Physical Education lessons, children will be learning and improving upon their balance and co-ordination in yoga sessions. With their MSP coach, children will be developing their passing and receiving ball skills in football sessions. Please ensure PE kits are in school Monday to Friday.

In Healthy Life Styles, there will be a specific focus on cookery. Therefore, children will learn to use cutters to cut out ingredients safely and effectively.

Learning for Life

Children will have the opportunity to develop their enterprise skills throughout the term and they will learn about where money comes from and they will understand that different countries use different coins and notes.

In tolerance lessons, children will learn about ‘caring friendships’. They will learn about how to be a good friend as well as exploring different emotions and how behaviour can affect other people.

In French, children will learn to count to ten and greet people politely.

We hope you enjoy looking at our website.

Please visit our Facebook page for regular updates on the exciting learning that happens in our academy.

Year 2 – Miss Hudson

In Year 2, our Class Teacher is Miss Hudson and our Class Teaching Assisstant is Miss Morley.  On this page, you can find out about the learning that takes place in the classroom. Our learning links to specific topics that are designed to be taught across a two term time period. You can use this page to find out more about the topics we focus on. The page also contains a summary of what we will learn about in each topic. We hope you enjoy having a look at our page!

This term we will be looking at the topic ‘Fire! Fire!’

History, Geography & Science

In history, the children will develop their understanding of the ‘Great Fire of London’ and order events chronologically on a timeline. They will also learn about Samuel Pepys and compare how life has changed since 1666. In geography, the children will be using maps, atlases and globes to locate and name the seven continents of the world, the 4 countries in the UK and their capital cities. In science, children will learn to identify, name and compare the properties and suitability of a range of everyday materials. The children will also learn to perform simple tests and gather data to answer scientific questions.

The Arts

Children will be focusing on developing their drawing and painting skills this term. When drawing, children will learn to use different pencils to create different shades. They will also learn to talk about the different shapes, textures and patterns within their own and other artists’ drawings. When painting, children will learn to use watercolours, powder paint and ready mix paints effectively. They will also learn to mix two primary colours to create secondary colours. In music, the children will learn to sing a variety of songs with more accuracy of pitch.

PE and Healthy Lifestyles

During PE lessons, children will be learning and improving upon their balance and co-ordination in gymnastics. Children will develop their understanding of the importance of warming up and cooling down before and after exercise. With their MSP coach, children will be developing their passing and receiving ball skills in football sessions. Please ensure PE kits are in school Monday to Friday. In cookery, children will learn to use cutters to cut out ingredients safely and effectively.


In RE children will develop their understanding of Christianity. They will explore what the Christmas story teaches us about God.

In computing, children will develop core ICT skills such as changing the size and font of text and open and saving documents. They will also be learning about how emails can be used to communicate with others. The children will also learn about e-safety and how to stay safe online.

Learning for Life

Children will have the opportunity to develop their enterprise skills throughout the term and they will learn about where money comes from and they will understand that different countries use different coins and notes.

In tolerance lessons, children will learn about ‘caring friendships’. They will learn about how to be a good friend as well as exploring different emotions and how behaviour can affect other people.

In French, children will learn to count to ten, name colours and greet people politely.

We hope you enjoy looking at our website.

Please visit our Facebook page for regular updates on the exciting learning that happens in our academy.

Year 3 – Mrs Boast

On this page, you can find out about the learning that takes place in our classroom. Our learning links to specific topics that are designed to be taught across each full term. You can use this page to find out more about the topics we focus on. The page also contains a summary of what we will learn about in each topic. We hope you enjoy having a look at our page!

This term we will be looking at the topic ‘Rainforests’.

History, Geography and Science

In geography, children will learn about the key locations of the world’s rainforests. Children will have the opportunity to conduct challenges using the 4 points of a compass and use 4 figure referencing to locate places in an atlas. In history, we will investigate the tribes located within specific rainforests using a range of historical sources and delve into the effects deforestation has.

The Arts

In art and design technology this term, children will be focusing particularly on textiles. This will include creating a rainforest creature and building on key life skills, such as threading a needle and stitching. In music, the children will be learning to play a pitched instrument performing simple pieces of music rhythmically.

PE and Healthy Lifestyles

During PE lessons this term, the children will continue to develop a range of core skills through football and dance. They will develop their knowledge of how to apply tactics in a competitive situation and explore the rules of the game. As part of our Healthy Lifestyles curriculum, children will learn the importance of warming up and cooling down before and after exercise.

Learning for Life

To enhance our Life Skills curriculum, children will be taking part in enterprise lessons throughout this term with the goal of creating their own product to sell. Each class will have the opportunity to develop their enterprise skills throughout the term focusing on risk taking, problem solving, team work and decision making. Children will regularly participate in debates around current news topics and will develop communication and active listening skills through these sessions.

We hope you enjoy looking at our website.

Please visit our Facebook page for regular updates on the exciting learning that happens in our academy.