Year 2


Welcome to our Year 2 Class Page

In Year 2, the class teacher is Ms Kearl, Miss Morley and Mrs Bell are the teaching assistants.

Year 2 Curriculum Overview

The Year 2 Team


Class Teacher

Ms Kearl


Teaching Assistant

Miss Morley


Teaching Assistant

Mrs Bell

Our curriculum

Year 2 Curriculum Overview

Year 2 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn

Year 2 Curriculum Newsletter Spring

Please visit our Facebook page for regular updates on the exciting learning that happens in our academy.

The Home Board is used daily to communicate learning which has happened that day to parents and carers. During the last session of each day, the teacher will re-visit the day’s learning with the class using the visual timetable as a prompt. The children will then explain what they have learned, and the teacher will act as their scribe to write this on a free-standing white board. This is then placed next to the gate, within eyesight of parents and carers. The Home Board has been proved successful in embedding learning, as it encourages children to talk about what they have learned with their families and helps their adults to start valuable discussion.


Read by Myself Books

Children accessing Read Write Inc. Phonics lessons take home a book that is matched to their phonics ability. Parents are asked to support their child to read this book independently using the blending and decoding skills that they have been practising at school.


Reading for Pleasure Books

Our aim at Manor Farm Academy is for every child to enjoy books; we therefore give children a Reading for Pleasure book to instill in them a passion for reading. Children will take home a Reading for Pleasure book from our classroom libraries which they will have chosen for themselves, independently.

All books will be changed regularly and monitored by staff. Parents /Carers are asked to comment in the children’s Reading Record when they hear their child read. Although we understand how busy life can be, we do ask that all children aim to read aloud to an adult for at least five minutes per day. Research has continually shown us the positive impact that reading can have on all areas of your child’s learning.

Year 2 Recommended Reads

Year 2 Enrichment Experiences

Autumn Spring Summer
KS1 Christmas production

Chicks caring and hatching

Life cycle of a butterfly


Rand farm residential

Visit from Neil Armstrong

Pedestrian training


Trip to Skegness

Victorian Seaside – Experience Day