The meals are prepared at their premises and delivered to the academy in time for the children to eat at 12:30pm. All pupils in Key Stage 1 are eligible to receive free school meals, however it is the parent’s responsibility to order the meals as there are several options. Alternatively, parents and carers can provide children with a packed lunch. Further information regarding hot meals can be obtained from the main office.
Ginga Catering have their own online system for you to book hot meals. Logins for their system are sent out to parents by email directly from Ginga Catering, along with full instructions on accessing the site. The system is quick and easy to use and will enable booking to be made at the convenience of parents. Orders can be made for up to 4 weeks at any one time, but must be made by 12 noon on the Monday prior to the week the food is required.
Please feel free to contact us at any point for further information.